To commission stop-motion puppets or a doll in a particular style, costume, etc. please send an email to dolls@ozlemakin.com, stating the details of the the doll you have in mind to get a quote.
If a doll you like from my portfolio is not available, you can commission a doll with a similar style - never the exact copy. Please send an email to dolls@ozlemakin.com or use the contact form for details.
Some of the art dolls are displayed in Art cz Gallery and are available on the gallery website.

Portrait dolls
Portait dolls have wire skeletons inside and are fully posable (please note that they're not toys). Made of polymer and epoxy clays.
One portrait doll can take between a few weeks to two months, depending on how complicated / big it is - plus the shipping time.
How to order:
Please send an email to dolls@ozlemakin.com with reference photographs, costume details and any extra details/accesories to get a final quote and approve your order.

Mini portrait dolls
Mini portrait dolls are around 8-10 cm, jointed on shoulders and hips, made of polymer clay and mixed media.
One mini portrait doll takes about a week to finish, plus shipping time (1-4 weeks, depending on where they're going).
How to order:
Please send an email to dolls@ozlemakin.com with reference photographs and specifying costume details.